We dress responsible

Vestiamo responsabile

Project to promote Social Responsibility in clothing and leather goods

When you buy a shirt in Europe, it may have been sewn in Cambodia, using cloth manufactured in China from cotton grown in Uzbekistan and coloured with dyes from India. As a result, individual choices made by consumers in Europe may have consequences that impact on the lives of workers and communities in multiple countries across the world.

The number of people involved in the production of textile, leather and footwear products is estimated in 75 milions people (3/4 famale). Complex nature of garment supply leading to low levels of transparency and increasing risk of human right violation and exploitation. Wages paid are not enough to allow workers to provide their families with basic human necessities

Social Responsibility and Responsible Sourcing are now entered into the Agenda of several international organizations (e.g United Nations, OECD, European Union) and standardization bodies (e.g. ISO) to reduce the imbalances of the global market and improve the protection of workers and communities along the supply chains of garment, leather and footware products

Considering the relevant of the fashion industry in Italy we, at AFLIN, believe that Italy must play a key role in promoting the Social Responsibility down the supply chains.


AFLIN aims to increase the awareness that the choices made by Italian (European) consumers do not undermine human rights, labour rights, environmental protection or economic opportunity in countries further down the supply chain. We also wish to push companies and brands to adopt Responsible Sourcing strategies and approaches.

This project is addressed to the Italian (European) consumer (one side) and to the Italian companies and brand in the garment and leather industries outsourcing their production in developing countries. In the early stage this project will be focused in India and later will be extended to other Asian countries.

The objectives of this project are:

  1. to improve the Italian consumers awareness regarding the conditions and the work environment  in which the product to be purchases is realized
  2. to effectively improve the social responsibility of the Italian companies and their suppliers along the supply chains in India (And Asia)

Our proposal within the Social Responsibility of the supply chain of garments and leather products includes:

Pianificazione e realizzazione di CAMPAGNE RIVOLTE AL CONSUMATORE ITALIANO per un acquisto sempre più responsabile e consapevole di prodotti realizzati da fabbricanti che rispettano i principi e gli aspetti della Responsabilità Sociale e della Sostenibilità.

Realizzazione di PROGRAMMI DI SENSIBILIZZAZIONE E VOCATIONAL TRAINING destinati a fabbriche e personale che realizzano in India prodotti per conto di imprese e marchi Italiani dell’abbigliamento e pelletteria.

Collaborazione in PROGETTI E INIZIATIVE MULTISTAKEHOLDERS con focus specifico sulla Responsabilità Sociale e Sostenibilità promosse da Enti e Associazioni Italiane o Indiane (es. Indo Italian Chamber of Commerce).

Produzione e divulgazione di PUBBLICAZIONI E VIDEO per mostrare le migliori prassi di Responsabilità Sociale.

Attiva collaborazione con Get It Fair, schema di certificazione Italiano pensato per verificare e certificare la Responsabilità Sociale di fabbricanti in India (e Asia) in accordo con standard (ISO 26000) e linee guida internazionali (Guida OCSE alla due diligence per catene di fornitura responsabili nel settore abbigliamento e calzatura).

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